Protecting Your Home's Interior Against A Rodent Invasion

It's safe to assume that most homeowners do not want pests to overtake their indoor spaces. There are several tasks you can undertake in an attempt to keep mice and rats from making your home theirs as well. Read over the following tips to keep your home rodent-free.

Keep Your Home As Clean As You Can

Mice and rats will stay in spots where they are able to access food. If they cannot eat, they will move on to other areas. Do your best to keep your home's interior as clean as possible so the possibility of crumbs being present is decreased. Take time to tend to floors with frequent vacuuming, mopping, and sweeping. Wipe down all counters where food is prepared with a solution made from equal parts of vinegar and water. This minimizes the scent of food remnants. Eliminate clutter so rodents do not have areas to hide or nest.

Be Aware Of The Signs Of A Problem

As soon as you notice a sign that indicates rodents have taken up residence in your home, work fast as setting traps or contacting a pest control service to remove these creatures for you. Check that your home's wall and ceiling insulation is intact and not fluffed up as this may signify rodents are harbored inside. Conduct spot checks along perimeters of floors for rodent droppings. If you hear scratching sounds from within your walls, there is a chance that mice or rats are moving around inside. Assess wiring within your home for signs of gnaw marks.

Tend To The Outside Of Your Home

If there are spots along the exterior of your home that are damaged, rodents will wriggle through holes and cracks to get to more comfortable conditions when the weather outdoors is less than ideal. They will also try to gain entry to the interior if they are searching for food or water. Patch any broken siding panels, fill in cracks with caulk, and make sure shingles are not exposing the wood underneath. Use sweeps under doors and fill any voids around windows with weather strip pieces.

Use Deterrents In And Around Your Home

Consider placing a hunting decoy outside of your home to keep rodents from getting too close to your structure. Position a plastic owl or hawk in your garden or on a porch rail. Move this periodically so rodents do not become used to its location. Since rodents are fearful of birds of prey, they will pass by your home if they believe a predator is near it. If you are able to care for pets, obtain a cat or two to patrol around or inside of your home as well.

If you've found rodents in or around your home, contact a rodent pest control service in your area—such as Pest Pros—for tips on what to do next.

474 Words

About Me

Avoiding Pests At All Costs I have never been one of those people who is alright with bugs running through their house, which is probably why I started focusing on pest control in the first place. I wanted to make sure that nothing would get in the way of me enjoying time with my family, so I began snapping pictures of the bugs in my house and then talking with professionals about how to resolve the problem. Within a few weeks I had an expert spraying for pests, and I was really impressed with just how effective they were. Check out this site for great tips on killing bugs.




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