Tips To Proactively Prevent The Spread Of Bed Bugs

If bed bugs hitchhiked on your luggage when you went on vacation and you found a couple of them in your bedroom, then it's important you take proactive steps to prevent them from spreading. Once you have bed bugs in multiple rooms of your home, you have a major infestation and need a professional pest control treatment to get rid of them.

If you discovered the bed bugs early and have only seen a couple of them, then there are many things you can do to prevent their spread, including each of these tips:

Tip: Wrap Items and Take Them Outdoors Rather Than to Other Bedrooms

When cleaning out your bedroom and trying to eliminate the bed bugs and their eggs, it's vital you don't take items out of your bedroom and move them into other rooms of your house. Instead, wrap items you need to remove in plastic and then take them directly outdoors. This will help prevent further infestation of your home.

Tip: Wash and Dry All of the Fabric Items in Your Bedroom

Bed bugs and their eggs are often found in the creases of fabric items. In order to kill the bugs and their eggs, all of the fabric items in your room need to be washed and then dried on high heat in your dryer. The wash cycle may not kill the eggs, but the high heat of the dryer certainly will.

Tip: Vacuum Every Crease in Your Mattress and All Baseboards

Two of bed bugs' favorite places to set up housekeeping in their human host's bedroom are the creases of the mattress and under the baseboards. To eliminate all of the bed bugs and their eggs from these areas, you need to vacuum them with a strong vacuum. If you have a wet/dry shop vacuum, that is always the best option.

Once you have finished thoroughly vacuuming the baseboards and mattress, then make sure you go outdoors and dump the contents of your vacuum canister into a plastic bag, seal it, and put it in your outdoor trashcan. 

For Further Assistance

Lastly, it's important to mention bed bug infestations can be notoriously hard to eliminate. If you have any fears of the bed bugs from your vacation spreading throughout your home, then you should call a local pest control company like Arab Termite and Pest Control to apply their stronger bed bug treatments and rid your home of the bed bugs once and for all.

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About Me

Avoiding Pests At All Costs I have never been one of those people who is alright with bugs running through their house, which is probably why I started focusing on pest control in the first place. I wanted to make sure that nothing would get in the way of me enjoying time with my family, so I began snapping pictures of the bugs in my house and then talking with professionals about how to resolve the problem. Within a few weeks I had an expert spraying for pests, and I was really impressed with just how effective they were. Check out this site for great tips on killing bugs.




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