5 Ways To Keep Pests Out Of Your Home

You are going to want to keep pests out of your house. There are proactive steps you can take that will help you keep pests out of your home all year long.

Trim Back Plants

The first thing that you should do is go outside and trim back plants. You do not want shrubs and bushes right up against your home. This allows insects a way to get into your home. It allows insects to get into your home. Keeping shrubs and trees away from your home, as well as wood chips away from your home, is a great way to let insects know that they are not welcome in your home.

Seal Up Windows

Second, make sure that you seal up around your windows. You can use caulking to seal up around your windows. Look for tiny cracks around your windows, and fill in those spaces with caulking. Be sure to do this inside and outside of your home.

If there are any gaps that are really large, you are going to want to fill them in with copper mesh or sheet metal to block pests from getting into your home. Use caulking, not expanding foam. Many pests can eat through expanding foam easily.

Keep Trash Away from Your Home

Third, do not keep your trash can next to your home. Keep your trash can as far away from your home as possible. Make sure that you keep your lid on your trash can. Secure the lid on top of your trash can to keep pests away from your trash.

Clean Your Drains

Fourth, you need to clean your drains. If your drains are not clean, they can become a breeding ground for pests. Really small flies like to grow and breed in drains and can turn your bathroom drains into their home. This is another type of pest that you are going to want to keep out of your bathroom drains.

Store Your Foods in Containers

Next, make sure that you put all of food into containers. You need to put food inside of solid containers, such as glass and plastic. You should not leave food in open containers. This can attract pests. Make sure that you keep your countertop and inside of your cabinets clean. Keeping crumbs away and food scraps away will help keep pests out of your home.

You can keep pests out of your home by keeping plant life, where insects like to hang out, away from your home. Make sure that you keep your trash secure and away from your home. Clean your drains inside of your home and store your food in containers.

For more information, contact a business such as E & R Exterminating Company, Inc

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About Me

Avoiding Pests At All Costs I have never been one of those people who is alright with bugs running through their house, which is probably why I started focusing on pest control in the first place. I wanted to make sure that nothing would get in the way of me enjoying time with my family, so I began snapping pictures of the bugs in my house and then talking with professionals about how to resolve the problem. Within a few weeks I had an expert spraying for pests, and I was really impressed with just how effective they were. Check out this site for great tips on killing bugs.




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